Elementary I-II Course Content

EI-II Adult Learners with Instructor Carey

Philosophy/Theory (Observation)

This core course is designed to familiarize the adult learner with Dr. Montessori’s view of child development: four planes of development; the development of intelligence; the development of language; moral development; social development. Course components will include: characteristics of the child from 6 through 12 with focus and their implications for design of the Montessori lower elementary curriculum. This course will explore and familiarize the adult learner with rationale and various techniques of Observation through lecture and 20 hours of documented observation. Rationale, curriculum and materials on Peace Education will be introduced.

Practicum Seminar: A continued discussion on Montessori philosophy, Observation and Peace Education, and the adult learner’s assimilation, application and observation of it in the classroom.

Child Development: Learning Differences

This course is meant to familiarize the adult learner with a survey of various theoretical perspectives on child psychology, growth and development in the context of overall human development. Course components include: current theories and developmental processes of the elementary child, physical development, social and personality development and the child’s relationship to the culture, language development, cognitive and logico-mathematical development and learning styles, multiple intelligences, giftedness and learning challenges.

Leadership - Classroom Management

This core course will explore the possibilities and variations in the design of the Montessori 6-9 and 9-12 elementary classroom and the issues involved in classroom management, including: starting a new class; preparation of the physical environment; preparation of a schedule; spiritual/psychological conditions of the environment and the role of the teacher as: initiator, observer, group leader and keeper of records. It will advise how to place students new to Montessori in the curriculum, develop a working relationship with the parents (conferencing and progress reports), and become aware of cultural differences and diversity in all forms.

Practicum Seminar: A continued discussion on leadership and classroom management, and the adult learner’s assimilation, application and observation of it in the classroom.

Curriculum Design & Strategies

This core course will acquaint the adult learner various techniques in organizing the curriculum for use in the 6-9 and 9-12 classroom. Course components will include theories of curriculum development, creation of original material and reconfiguration of current learning materials.


This core course will acquaint the adult learner with the Montessori 6-12 language materials, their rationale and sequence in the classroom. It will acquaint the adult learner with a “scope and sequence” in language reflective of national norms. Course components will include oral language, writing and reading, grammar functions, structural grammar (analysis), literature, phonogram study, spelling of phonetic and non-phonetic words, library/reference skills and research skills. The Writer's Workshop course will acquaint the adult learner with rationale, curriculum and materials for writing and reading technique strategies with elementary children.

Practicum Seminar: A continued discussion on the language area, and the adult learner’s assimilation, application and observation of it in the classroom.


This core course will acquaint the adult learner with the 6-12 Montessori mathematics materials, their rationale and their sequence in the classroom. Course components will include concept of number and quantitative relationships, four fundamental operations, laws of arithmetic, base systems of numeration, measurement (space, weight, and money), ratio and proportion (fractions, percentage, decimals, ratio and proportion), problem-solving, exponential notation, preparation for algebra and probability/statistics.

Practicum Seminar: A continued discussion on the math area, and the adult learner’s assimilation, application and observation of it in the classroom.


This core course will acquaint the adult learner with the Montessori 6-12 geometry materials, their rationale and their sequence in the classroom. Course components will include plane and solid geometric forms, nomenclature, equivalency, congruency, similarity, and area and volume.

History: Literature and People

This core course will acquaint the adult learner with the Montessori 6-12 history materials, their rationale and sequence in the classroom. Course components will include fundamental needs of humans, time concepts including measurement of time, introduction to the cosmos (formation of the earth) evolutionary changes (timeline of life), evolution of humans and history of the country and state or province. In addition, this core course is designed to familiarize the adult learner with the Montessori 9-12 curriculum and materials for American history with literature, and familiarize the adult learner with ancient civilization, types and development of people into various species, and an examination of the fundamental needs of each culture in is time.


This core course will acquaint the adult learner with the Montessori 6-12 geography materials, their rationale and sequence in the classroom. Course components will include globes, maps and landforms, flags, physical geography (child’s place in the world; vertical-horizontal knowledge of the earth; geological and climatological phenomena of the earth), economic geography, political geography, ethnological geography, and astronomical geography (stars, solar system, and universe).

Biological Sciences: Botany & Zoology

This core course will acquaint the adult learner with the Montessori 6-12 biological sciences materials, their rationale and sequence in the classroom. Course components will include Zoology: first level (classification, characteristics, external parts, and habitat), second level (classification, internal parts, vegetative functions), Botany: first level (nomenclature and classification), second level (functions of plants, charts and experiments) other kingdoms and classification schemes, human anatomy and ecology.

Practicum Seminar: A discussion on the Botany and the adult learner’s assimilation, application and observation of biological sciences in the classroom.

Physical Science: Functional Geography

This core course will acquaint the adult learner with the Montessori 6-12 physical science (functional geography) materials, their rationale and sequence in the classroom. Course components will include physical science, chemistry, physics and earth science.

Practicum Seminar: A discussion on the Chemistry and Physics area, and the adult learner’s assimilation, application and observation of biological sciences in the classroom.

Practical Life

This foundational course, held during a Practicum seminar, will acquaint the adult learner with the Montessori practical life materials, their rationale and sequence in the classroom. Course components will include philosophy of practical life, grace and courtesy, characteristics and needs of children in relation to practical life, care of environment, care of person, care of community/service learning, integrating practical life into the curriculum, and technology.

Movement & Physical Education

This course, held during a Practicum Seminar, is designed to prepare the adult learner to present and facilitate a program of movement and physical education developmentally appropriate for the elementary classroom. Course components will include: coordination (muscular, eye-hand, hand-hand, hand-leg, etc.), body image, integrative activities, group games, and specific sports skills (running, jumping, throwing, catching, and dribbling).

Visual Arts & Crafts

This course, held during a Practicum seminar, is built around a combination of lecture, discussion and workshop experiences designed to provide both theoretical understanding and practical applications for the development of a visual arts curriculum. This would include making of art and appreciation of art in a Montessori setting.

Music Appreciation

This course, held during a Practicum seminar, is designed to prepare the adult learner to present and facilitate a program of music and movement developmentally appropriate for the elementary classroom. This course will teach the Montessori bell/tone bar sequence through notation and acquaint the adult learners with a historic approach to musical instruments and composers.