Elementary II Course

2019-2020 EII Adult Learners with Instructor Carey Wendell

Elementary II Course  (9-12 years old)

The program consists of an Academic Phase and Practicum Phase.

The Academic Phase (EII - 336 Clock Hours) includes a thorough grounding in Montessori theory and practice; classroom management techniques for managing individualized instruction; and the use, sequence and method of presentation of the Montessori advanced materials.

The Academic Phase is hands-on and experiential. Lectures alternate with laboratory sessions, using the materials in Montessori equipped classrooms, under the direction of experienced staff.  An additional 40 clock hours (36 hours in residence & 4 hours observation) of Early Childhood overview is required for candidates that do not hold an Early Childhood Credential.

Classes meet for eight weeks during the summer Academic Phase, Monday through Friday from 8:00 AM to 4:30 PM, and two evenings a week until 6:30 PM.

The Practicum Phase (1400 Clock Hours) is an academic year in a Montessori school under the supervision of a certified Montessori teacher.  Practicum sites need to be approved by MMTEC. 

Guidance throughout the Practicum Phase will be provided by the MMTEC Practicum Coordinator in cooperation with the supervising teacher. A Self-Directed practicum may be arranged at an additional fee (See Tuition & Fees) for adult learners who have had previous classroom experience. During the Self-Directed practicum, the adult learner is in her/his own classroom at an approved Montessori school under the guidance of a local elementary consultant.  Practicum sites are available throughout the country.


Elementary II Schedule

Early Childhood Overview*    Distance Learning and In-person June 16, 2024

Academic Phase       June 16 - August 2, 2024

Practicum Phase      September 2024 - June 2025

Elementary II Weekend Seminars

October 19 - 20, 2024

January 18 - 19, 2025

March 8 - 9, 2025

May 2 - 4, 2025

*All Elementary candidates without Montessori Early Childhood 2½-6 certification must attend the Early Childhood Overview which includes a Google Classroom Distance Learning portion before meeting face to face on June 16th.

Seminar weekends for all levels:

October 19th and 20th, 2024

January 18th and 19th, 2025

March 8th and 9th, 2025 

May 2nd - evening only, 3rd, and 4th, 2025 - Elementary Only